Friday, September 5, 2008

Introducing myself (Be afraid. Be very afraid!)

Hey y'all and welcome to my little corner of the blogosphere. I hope you enjoy yourself here and visit often. It is my intention to use this blog as a place to talk about those issues, personal and otherwise, that I find of interest at any given time on my spiritual, physical and intellectual quest in life; for what is life, but a quest which begins at birth and never ends so long as the soul lives? Hm. That's either extremely profound or just plain pompous. I'll let you be the judge of that. Now, on to the inevitable introduction.

Okay, so where to begin? Let's start with the personal stuff. First off I am from the Great State of Georgia, in the Southern United States, and not from the other Georgia that has been in the news so much lately. I live just outside of the Fruitcake Capital of the World, but in the same county, where I am a substitute teacher and sometimes freelance writer for the local paper. I'm a graduate of Georgia Southern University. When not teaching or writing for the paper I try to spend my time enjoying a good book or two, writing for fun, listening to good music (Free Bird!), attending meetings of my local Sons of Confederate Veterans camp and, when I can, manning a cannon during reenactments. That last bit is a blast, literally and figuratively. Just don't forget your earplugs or you'll be yelling "What?!" for two days after. Oh, and if you ever want to try your hand on the cannon and you're in a wheelchair, as I am, lock your brakes. Don't ask, just trust me on this. You might want to get safety glasses as well. Again, just trust me on this.

Politics. As well as being a proud Georgian I am also a very proud Southerner and citizen of these United States of America. Politically, I guess you could call me a conservative. Now, by conservative I don't mean those people who call themselves conservative today who talk as if they know God's every plan and delight in taking away personal liberties and expanding the federal government beyond its Constitutional bounds. I mean conservative - limited government where elected officials actually serve the people, fiscal and personal responsibility, and staying the heck out of people's lives.

Religion. Simply put, I'm a Christian but not a church-goer. I've never felt comfortable having someone else interpret the Bible for me. I'd rather read it and find the truth within for myself. And that's that.

Okay, I think that's enough of an intro for now. Y'all have a good one.


Sam G said...

Hey JR you are the first blogger I am following.

Sam G said...

Also, very nicely said.

babyapril said...

Great start, Hon! i personally am hoping to see some of that Adorable Weirdo come out of You in the near future!

Allen said...

Hey Sam,


Hey april,

Weirdo?! Weirdo! I resemble that remark!

Unknown said...

Wonderful intro Allen!! Thanks for the link here, I look forward to keeping up with you through your blog, please write OFTEN!

Southern Belle

cinamin said...

You know you should have done this a long time ago! Way to go Rebel!